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In this breaking change, we're producing the product itemization to allow subscriptions with additional fees. This means consumers will be able to differentiate the actual product/service price and other costs such as shipping or equipment in their invoices. With this flexibility, consumers can get a clear picture of their invoices. This also increases transparency between merchant and consumer.

Is my product or service affected by this?

Your service is impacted by this change as this is deprecating one object and introducing a new one in the Subscription product API resource. However, your existing product data will be migrated to be consistent with our itemization approach. This means your products will contain only one item that will reflect the actual product/service price.

What is the deadline for the change?

The API resource of the Subscription product will be changed on 10 April 2023.

After 10 April 2023, your services will continue to run as we migrated your existing data. However, if additional items are required, you may need to reconfigure your subscription products to fulfill itemization.

What do I need to do?

The affected changes in the API that we deprecated Period.Price object in the Subscription Product resources. Price objects will no longer be used to determine product price. Instead, we introduced Items object with price and additional fields in the root level of the payload (as an Array) that will be used for itemization.

**API Resource: ** /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscription-products/{subscriptionProductId}

Please make sure your service is compliant with deprecated and newly introduced objects.

Sample Request/Response Payload

Things to know

  • With itemization, each item will reflect as an invoice line. The first item will be represented in the first line, and so on. thereby creating a consitent sequence.
  • From now on, Item's name and description fields will appear in the invoice lines.
  • By default, the item will be refundable
  • If there is Period.Start.Type is FIXED, then the itemization object expects to specify an additional field(PartialPeriodAmountCalculation) to support partial periodization per item. (See payload example below). By default, the item amount will be calculated partially, in other words, based on used days.
    • Partial: Represents the calculation of the amount will be based on the days used.
    • Full: Represents the calculation of the amount will be based on the specified gross amount.
    • Ignore: Represents the calculation of the amount that will be ignored. (i.e. zero amount)

Request parameters

The details of the parameters in the Items array are as follows:

Input Name Type Description
Name String Specifies the name of the product item.
Description String Specifies the description of the product item.
Price.GrossAmount Decimal(18,4) Specifies the gross amount of the product item.
Price.VatPercentage Decimal(18,4) Specifies the VAT percentage of the product item.
Metadata String Specifies metadata can be used custom values.
IsRefundable Boolean Specifies whether the item can be refund. Default: true
PartialPeriodAmountCalculation String Specifies the type of amount calculation in case of partial periodization. Default: PARTIAL
Only applicable for fixed period start type.
Valid values are: