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Data Types

Data types like currency, date and monetary amounts are consistent structures used across our APIs.

Monetary Amounts

All amounts are entered as decimal for the selected currency.
The amount of NOK are in Kroner, with decimal numbers being ører, and for EUR it is Euro and Cents.
In summary, the amount mentioned in the code is the price including the decimal value.

True Amount Amount from Code Currency
NOK 65.00 65 NOK
NOK 22.05 22.05 NOK
€75.00 75 EUR
€10.50 10.50 EUR


Currency is expressed according to the ISO 4217 standard, e.g. NOK, SEK, EUR.

Currently, we only support the currencies of the markets we have presence in, with the possibility of expanding this list as we enter new markets.


All dates are represented according to the ISO 8601 standard, with or without time and timezone information depending on if it serves a purpose. Fields like createdAt, updatedAt have dates with time and timezone information 2022-05-03T07:53:16.7228544+02:00, while fields such as invoiceDate, dueDate only uses date 2022-05-03, as we only want to take action on the invoice after the cut off day (e.g. when sending invoice to dunning).

Invoice Lines have a few additional properties like tax and unit, where you will find related information to the total.

Total (Price)

In our APIs the term price includes grossAmount, netAmount, currencyCode, and creditedGrossAmount (Only Total for Invoice) as Total.
Amount in all cases follows the standards for monetary amounts. currencyCode follows the standard for currency

Total for Invoice - All Invoice lines (e.g. 1 Giftcard + 1 Cookie)

Total for an Invoice Line, (e.g. 1 Giftcard)


Each Invoice line has a tax property with Value added tax (V.A.T) been defined as vatAmount or vatPercentage, given that V.A.T. was provided. vatAmount follows the standards for monetary amounts, while vatPercentage is a value between 0 - 100 representing how much the V.A.T. makes up the total amount.


Each product or service get assigned a unit where we can specify values like: quantity, unitCode, and netPrice. These units are the basis for invoice lines on the invoice.

quantity also uses decimal, so partial charges or credit can occur if needed. e.g. 0.5 would constitute a charge for 50% of an item.
unitCode is of type string and is added to give the number some context, e.g. in case some unit of measurement is used like cm, m, pcs.
netPrice follows the standards for monetary amounts, and represents the price of a product / service without V.A.T. If there is more than 1 of the same product / service, the quantity field is used to indicate that.