All the API Calls in more detail

API Documentation

The Recurring Payments API contains resource collections to record your subscription products, set up subscriptions, register consumptions, manage customer relationships and more. On this page, you can find a detailed description of each operation with input parameters, possible responses, sample requests and integration examples for different platforms.


GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Get an existing customers subscription.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Create a new or update an existing subscription.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancellation

Cancel a subscription within the Terms and conditions given by the subscription product.

DELETE /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancellation

Uncancel a subscription that has a pending cancellation, but is not yet closed.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/termination

Terminate a subscription. By terminating the subscription, it will be closed immediately.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/timeline

Get a subscription time - a list of events that has occured on the subscription.

POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/draft

Get subscription draft with pre calculated data.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions

Get all subscriptions filtered by customer.

Subscription pause

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/pauses/{pauseId}

Get an existing subscription pause.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/pauses/{pauseId}

Pause an active subscription.

DELETE /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/pauses/{pauseId}

Delete an existing subscription pause. Cannot delete pause if it is already invoiced.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/pauses

Get all subscription pauses filtered by subscription id.

Subscription discount

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts/{discountId}

Get a discount assosiated with a subscription.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts/{discountId}

Create or update a discount.

DELETE /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts/{discountId}

Remove a discount from future subscription periods.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts

Get all discounts applied to a subscription.


GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/consumptions/{consumptionId}

Get details for a consumption.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/consumptions/{consumptionId}

Create or update a consumption.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/consumptions/{consumptionId}/timeline

Get a consumption timeline - a list of events that occurred on the consumption.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/consumptions/{consumptionId}/refunds/{refundId}

Refund consumption.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/consumptions

Get customer consumptions - a list of consumptions for customer.

Subscription product

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscription-products/{subscriptionProductId}

Get an existing subscription product.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscription-products/{subscriptionProductId}

Create a new or update an existing subscription product.

DELETE /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscription-products/{subscriptionProductId}

Delete an existing subscription product. Only possible if there are no subscriptions using said product.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/subscription-products

Get all subscription products filtered by date.

Invoice Actions

POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/credit

Allows the creation of a credit note on an existing invoice. Can be used in the context of refunds.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/pause

Allows pausing the processing of reminders and debt collection of an invoice.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/postpone

Allows changing the due date of an invoice to a later date. You may only postpone an invoice once.

POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/copies

Sends a copy of the printed invoice (PDF) to the specified email address.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/unpause

Allows resuming the processing of reminders and debt collection of an invoice.


GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}

Retrieves the invoice details of a single invoice.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/links

Retrieves only the hypermedia links of an invoice.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/invoices/{invoiceNumber}/timeline

Retrieves the events that have occured on an invoice. Events are sorted in descending order from the time they occured at (ie: from newest to oldest).


HEAD /v1/clients/{clientId}/customers/{customerNumber}

Checks if the customer exist.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/customers/{customerNumber}

Gets the information of a customer with given number.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/customers/{customerNumber}

Adds or updates a customer. If identifiers in the path and request body do not belong to a person/company, then request adds a person/customer.

POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/customers/search

Returns a list of customers. The customers are returned sorted by customer number as default.


POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/lookup/customer/licence-plate

Create a new MVR or modify an existing MVR for a customer.

GET /v1/clients/{clientId}/lookup/blacklist

Returns a blacklist of a client.

PUT /v1/clients/{clientId}/lookup/blacklist/organization-number/{organizationNumber}

Updates an organization's blacklist situation.

DELETE /v1/clients/{clientId}/lookup/blacklist/organization-number/{organizationNumber}

Returns OK on success. If the organization number does not exist, this call returns an error.

POST /v1/clients/{clientId}/lookup/customer

Does a lookup on a customer based on a search value. Creates the customer if found.